Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Greetings from Kenya Migration

Drama, drama every day.

I am still in the bush.  It is 7:30 in the evening.  We get the Internet here depending on the weather.

There are lots of stupid wildebeest running in circles; crossing the Masai River and trampling themselves to death.  Millions of them are here.  The weather is not so fantastic.  It rains a lot and provides a lot of drama between it and the wild.  But there is peace in the bush.

The airport burned down awhile ago.  The office is in tents.  Baggage is delivered by hand to the tents.  People, like animals, run inside the tents looking for their baggage when they arrive. There's never a dull moment here. 

I arrived in Nairobi from San Francisco at 8:00 at night, their time.  By 12:45 in the morning, I got my baggage.  I did not go with the crazy masses looking for my baggage.  I saw an airport employee and gave him a description of my bag and a ten Dollar bill.  He found my luggage in just 5 minutes. (Money talks.) 

I know it will be a challenge coming back to the States.  (More drama but I like drama -it's entertaining to me.)